Monday, October 10, 2011

Hearts, Promises & Friendships

How many times have you had your heart broken? Or broken someones heart? It seems the older I get the harder this is to heal from, If you ever heal completely. I think that a heart of ice is a much better investment than flesh and blood hearts. If Ice shatters you can melt it down and remold it. Flesh and blood remains torn, scared and deformed forever more.
Promises, I must admit I am guilty of this. How many times a day do I catch myself saying I will do something in just a minute or I will be right there. I feel especially guilty for saying this to my children. There seems like there are not enough hours in the day and we are always saying I will get to it tomorrow, next week or sometime.

Where would we be in life without our friends?? Some have lifted us up and some have watched us crash and burn. All of them have taught us something at some point and time or another. Good lessons or bad we learn something from all of them. I do not profess to have never broken a friendship, I have. Sometimes you have to walk away to save the respect and or love you hold for someone. I never burn that bridge however cause you never know when things will change and you want to walk back over it.

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