Friday, October 14, 2011

I don't need no stinkin' Halloween costume

Apparently I don't need to purchase a Halloween costume this year. As I have been informed I am a Real life Training Nazi. I can just go out as myself this year and scare rookies just by being in the crowd.
I don't understand the way things have changed in the 11 years that I have been doing this job. I would have never considered arguing with my trainer, insisting that I be allowed to read non work related items or play on the Internet, or that I was above listening to what they told me to do. My trainer was a no nonsense, no bull shit trainer. Do it or go home. I can thank my trainer for expecting the best out of me everyday, because that is what I give daily. There was no whishy washy, baby steps, sugar coating!!
I understand that we are a kinder and gentler 911 center. However when did expecting people to do their jobs become asking too much? When did asking people to study their weaknesses between busy times become too much? When did learning codes and protocols become too much?
Maybe I am a Nazi, because I expect people that want to work in an Emergency Center to take this job seriously! I want people to be the best that they can be every single time they pick up a phone or answer a radio! I have consistently turned out excellent dispatchers, many of which are still working in this line of work. I guess being a Nazi is something I will be proud of even if others think it is fun to gang up and complain about it.
I may expect too much in your eyes, but if giving your all is not what you're about then you're in the wrong line of work. I know the people I want answering the phone when it is my family member calling in on 911.

This is a thankless job, if we can't thank each other who the hell can we look to?

I'm sure that this post will piss off more than 1 person, however if your pissed off look to yourself first. Are you pissed cause I expect people to do their jobs, or are you pissed cause I hit a nerve when you looked in your own mirror?


Michelle said...

I guess that means I'm a Nazi too.....maybe they should announce an invasion and let us overtake our center again. Your so right, alot has changed in the 15 years I have been here. Some for the better but some for the worse. I am grateful for the "hardtime" I was given during training, it forced me to put my best forward. As a trainer some days I feel I should care a box of kleenex around. If you can't handle it during training what the hell makes you think you can handle it on your own??? Grow up and welcome to the real world!

Thumbs said...

We should all try to be the best we can be at all times.

Jenee said...

Great post! High five,, to their face..with a chair!

evangelina said...

Totally agree with this post! My trainer would kick the back of my chair and scream "Move faster!!". I never thought to complain, I wanted to be just like her - able to handle the stressful calls and situations with grace and to have the respect of the officers knowing that they could trust me. Keep the great post coming ;)